Orb Prints

 orb Series

discocosmos” is a series of sculptures and 3D lenticular prints depicting ornaments that reference bodily adornment and rituals of celebration. These orb-like objects suggest practices of worship - both in a contemporary context with the disco ball and its associated luxurious lifestyle as well as with ancient stargazing of uncanny cosmological bodies.

Note: To create my custom flip and lenticular prints, I photograph my assemblage sculptures as series of consecutive images using a slide rail mounted to my tripod. In a post process, I digitally package these files to be merged together in the final lenticular print. These lenticular prints have a thick plastic coating on them, called a “lens”, that creates animated or 3D effects whenever the viewer passes by. The images below are the photographic digital files, not images of the final lenticular prints. Examples of their final print form can be seen in the last two images below, which shows “Orb II” printed and framed and an installation view of framed prints on display at The Other Art Fair in 2019.

Video documentation of the lenticular print’s 3D holographic effects.

Digital animation depicting the print’s lenticular effects.
